Strong teeth, bright smile
Lotte Xylitol members.
Activity rules
The photo contest is held quarterly and lasts for one week.
Join the game with llowing steps:
Step 1 : Choose one of the three available frames, upload your photo, and combine it with the selected frame.
Step 2 : Download the image.
Step 3 : Post the image on your personal Facebook page with public visibility, including the hashtag #lottexylitol and a lucky number from 1-1000.
Step 4 : Upload the link to your post on the website.
05 participants who complete all steps correctly will be randomly selected by LOTTE XYLITOL based on their lucky number to receive prizes! Hurry up and shoot your shot!
The winner list will be announced on the Fan-site and Lotte Xylitol Fanpage.
01 E-Vouchers worth
100,000 VND
100,000 VND
10 Lotte Xylitol Limemint Handy Bottle + 03 Lotte Xylitol Limemine Family Bottle
01 Lotte Chocolat (12 pax)
LOTTE XYLITOL have the final decision on any results.